Monday, May 28, 2007

Bill Richardson on Meet the Press

On Meet the Press, Bill Richardson showed why he is the authentic Democratic candidate for President. When pressed by Russert, he said he always wanted to be Mickey Mantle, # 7, playing centerfield for the NY Yankees, yet he was a Boston Red Sox fan. What American baseball player of the boomer period didn't want to be Mantle? Nobody wanted to be Roger Maris!

BR said New Mexico is a poor state in response to those statistics from the US Census. Wasn't the census in 2000? Richardson only became Governor in 2003! He did say that things have improved and he had made changes.

In response to the national labs security issue, there were security problems before he became Secretary of Energy and since. Although Wen Ho Lee was on BR's watch, Lee had been at work for years.

BR admits that he is human and makes mistakes. You can only make mistakes when you do something. Do nothing and you don't make mistakes.

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